The Moose is the right Web/Logo/Marketing Agency for all industries.
We are excited to bring into the ‘client fold’ North Georgia Body Fat Test. Our directive from the client was that she wanted a new web presence that brought her multi-sites together under one brand. They also wanted to expand their brand recognition throughout the SouthEast through various marketing initiatives.
But the biggest job, by far, was the creation of a company wide database with vast amounts of historical data and the ability to continue to add additional information, held over many years, that would also be accessible from their customers through a private portal…whew!
Stay tuned for how the progress is going! But in the meantime, take a look at their brand new logo/branding…we are pretty proud of it.
If you are looking for a new brand or just an update to your existing one, contact us…we can help! File in the form below and we will get in contact with you.
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